Monday, September 27

Thought Momentum

I can't define
Myself and you
The truth is lost
Under what's untrue
This mind of mine
Fears a murmur
Feels the shake
A distant tremor

Apologies for
What is forgiven
Then changes into
What is not
Sympathies for
Pain interwoven
All through you
In one shot

Dying again
Convoluted dreams
My mind has been
Tearing the seams

Shortened reply
To what's been said
Before you tried
Was already dead

Words unspoken
Thoughts re-awoken
Obviously confused
Lost and amused

Question held out
Offered to you
On hands stretched
Answer in view
Severing doubt
Delayed recollection
Unstoppable motion
Will not congrue

How is it that I've missed the point
That once one is taken from sanity,
He cannot return unfazed?

The incredible momentum of thoughts anoint
That question - what I want and do believe -
Stops for nothing set ablaze...

My Grandma just passed away minutes ago, and the resulting effect it has had on me is one I can't so well define. It's an emotion probably blocked by residual manifested thoughts that I've had over the past few days. Yet, it might not be blocked at all. I find myself without the confidantes I once had, and I guess it has thrown me onto a different track...

This poem is not one I particularly like, but it's one I fully understand. That's a good thing, because I wrote it.

Thursday, September 23


The worst person I know
Lives in his crooked mind
His logic is not straight
His patterns are not kind

Pathos hangs around him
But he doesn't seem to care
He takes perceptions others have
And throws them to the air

The worst person I know
Is inclined to be improved
But instead of stepping forward
He resists the urge to move

The worst person I know
Holds his doubt, assurance, fear
And puts them in a little vault
That is transparent, clear

I'm grateful I don't know anyone
Who isn't there in full
I'm grateful I don't know anyone
Not anyone at all

Sunday, September 19

An Interstellar Burst

5/1/11 - This is still my personal favorite...

Disrupt, receive, recall, decline
A shadow over head
A new hope stems instead
Overwrought, clouded, undefined

Find the one who calls back to you
Find your Worlds shaken
Everything is broken
Take days to dry subliminal glue

Awoke, then had a dream
Not as deep as it sounds
For everything we've found
Is held by intangible seams

Fourth dimension hit a wall
But it's flowing right back into me
All the Worlds I can see
Direction, purpose, destiny

By leaps and bounds, I will ascend.
"In an interstellar burst
I'm back to save the universe"
Intrepid as the climax ends

Saturday, September 18

Tenth Entry - Origin of Names

This is not a very consistent blog. However, if my blog was my book and each entry was a chapter, I would be quite happy. That's an uneven comparison. Whatever.

Here, I will list some of the names in my universe, their origin, and possibly their meaning.

SumodudeSalad - I might as well start off with the most prominent name of this blog. To explain the blog's title, I must first explain the origin of its root nickname, Sumo.

When I was but a three-year-old, right around the budding of my imaginary universe, my family took a trip to Maui. I was a rather chubby child, and let's just say I could have been cheek-pinch adorable. Like most little children, I s'pose. In addition to being having excess baby fat, I tended to... run into things. One of my Hawaiian uncles called me a "little Sumo Wrestler", and the name apparently stuck. We never liked wrestling, though. That part of the title was soon dropped.

In elementary school, I befriended a kid named Scott, and one day (on the swings, as usual) he asked me if I had a nickname. I briefly told him the backstory behind mine. Later that same day, another friend of mine, David, (who would typically call me "dude" or "jedidude") called out to me with, "Hey Sumodude!". I liked the name, so it stuck.

In these days of the internet, we use too many passwords. I used to use "Sumodude" as my universal password (it's a different one now, so don't try anything), but one stupid website (Lycos Zone, I believe) would not accept my password as it had to be "greater than 8 characters". Frankly, that is simply too much to ask on a children's site, but I'll digress. Not wanting to take the easy route with "Sumodude1" or something similar, I somehow came up with "SumodudeSalad" on a whim.

I didn't especially care for the name until I told one of my greatest friends - Dennis Lindberg - about it. He would crack lame jokes whenever we had salad with dinner (which was always). The name grew on me, and I started to use it as the title of one of my old blogs (which I didn't really care for). After Dennis passed away, I created a blog here on this site. That blog was lost somehow... So I created another one. And that's what you see today.

Not knowing the plot of my book, some of these upcoming descriptions might not make sense to you Earthlings.

Eathös - There really isn't anything special about the creation of this name. During the first months of writing my book, the main character didn't have a name, so I temporarily named him Skywalker just for kicks. When I was ready to show my first chapter to somebody else, I decided that it would be best to change his name. After five minutes of brainstorming, I invented "Eathos". When my first reader tried to pronounce it, however, it came out as "EE-THAHS". I told him he was wrong, then added the little umlaut for clarification and for decoration.

Eathös just looks better with those two little dots, I think.

His last name, "Ivana", I simply thought sounded cool. As an Earth name, it means "gracious as God", which is an unintentional irony.

*It should be noted that Eathös is the character most modeled after myself, as I was the unofficial leader in the recess-game STU. Completely by coincidence, as I created names for other characters, I realized that "Eathös" contains all the letters of my first name (and then some). In addition to myself, Eathös is also slightly based off of the characters Ender Wiggin and Eragon. Funny that they all start with "E".

Ariana - Honestly, I had no idea that this name actually existed at the time I came up with it. I really liked the name, and it sounded a bit familiar, but I really thought that I had invented a really cool name that sounded Earthy enough to use for one of my own children.

Then one day, I re-watched Jurassic Park. "Ariana Richards" came up in the credits. What?!

Ariana, as a character, is an inspired mix of three childhood friends of mine, most notably Brienna Pryor and Whitney Brown, whose influences helped shape who I am today.

Pavol Rialonav - Pavol, as a character, is slightly based off of Paval Niemeyer, an old school friend and a primary participant in STU. I always thought Paval was a cool name, so I kept it mostly intact.

The King of Mya in STU was called "King Rialonav". Paval was Myan royalty in the game, and he still is in my book, so the last name just made sense.

Salvao Sen - Name-wise, I pulled "Salvao" out of a hat. Character-wise, Salvao fills the slot that Braydon Neviadomski occupied. Although there are some major differences between Braydon's and Salvao's personality, Sal has probably remained closest to the original inspiration.

Salvao is a definite favorite of mine, as he is based on my best friend of my earlier childhood. I tried to come up with a name that stayed closer to "Braydon", but none seemed to fit. I did come up with "Barhe" and almost went with it, but it didn't sound young enough for my tastes. Barhe has not hit the trash heap, though, and will be the name of Salvao's dad.

Olan - The character of Olan is one of my favorites, simply because of what I have planned for his story arch. Olan fills the shoes of Aaron Wham, and although he's vastly different from his inspiration, there are a few key, if vague, similarities. "Olan" is a little like "Aaron", I think.

Frandere Thurion and Vashiel Dreshdae are not based off of anyone, officially. However, some parts of Frandere's personality remind me of my old classmate, Scott, and some of Vashiel's mannerisms could be a bit likened to my old classmate, David.

Jiavon - General Mialo Jiavon is very roughly based on Drew Sequoia, who was an intermittent STU player. As Drew would tend to turn against us at random times and screw up our plans, I was inspired to make Jiavon the main antagonist of Book 1.

Cabo is roughly based on Caleb Chase, one of the three original STU team members. Cabo Ajere is a personal favorite character of mine. Other than his name, I'm not sure how much of Cabo is actually based off of Caleb, because, well... In the book, he's a confused villain.

Meltri Volta - The name "Meltri" came from the name "Melanie". Originally, she was going to be a villain based roughly on some of Melanie Taitano's traits. However, I eventually decided to change her character into the rebellious daughter of the evil C. Volta.

Commander Volta - Oh, there we go. Yeah, she's somewhat based on Melanie. Keyword: somewhat. Volta's aversion to physical violence and preference for using persuasive words could be seen as parallels to her inspiration. Of course, C. Volta is far more... malicious.

"Volta" is another cool-sounding last name that I decided to use on a whim. Simultaneously, I tribute Alessandro.

Major Seri - Directly under Volta's command, Galvani (hint hint) Seri will prove to be an important character in my first and second book. Seri is very roughly inspired by Si Sharma, a classmate who enthusiastically tried to join us at recess one day. He never tried to play again, although he was always welcome.

There are many other names and inspirations that I could detail, of course, but they won't come up until well into the series... So, I'll stop here.

Monday, September 13

¡Frandere! (One)

“Without much further ado, but quite possibly some ado... My father.” I was honest. He’ll come onstage fashionably late. He cares about making an entrance. Actually, he devotes his entire life to making entrances.

Eathös stood at my right side, which would be Dad’s left. He won’t see us right away (remember). He’ll look down and wink at his loyal groupies in the front row before acknowledging anyone else in the audience. And he won’t be expecting me. He won’t notice me until his first dramatic pause, which is typically after his second spoken sentence. Anyway, Eathös was speaking.

“How many people does he really ‘have in his pocket?” he asked, again quoting me. “It looks like there are only a hundred people here.” Oh, but this room is crowded, Eathös. There are 74 seats. One hundred and six in attendance. We’re here standing at the very back of the room.

I pointed all of these things out to him while I thought of them, I think. He understood me, I think. He nodded, at least. But Eathös always nods. Even at things he clearly does not understand. A detrimental habit.

“My dad doesn’t like to see an empty seat before him, so he always tries to choose smaller venues where tickets will more than sell out.” I then pointed up to the ceiling, which was quite immaculate for a ceiling. Not a single visible cobweb, smoke stain… It was shiny, woody. I like this ceiling. Why am I admiring the ceiling?

Apparently, I had been thinking aloud, and Eathös asked me the same question, “Yes, why are you admiring the ceiling?” He chuckled, obviously amused. He must find me so amusing. Him and Ariana both. They are so easily amused. But then he agreed, “This place is very clean, considering the neighborhood it’s in.” Oh, good. Thank you. I looked up again and noticed the reason why I had pointed at the ceiling in the first place.

“See those cameras? He’ll be broadcast to his other hundred million followers. Really, speaking in front of live people is not necessary, but…” Shrug. (I shrugged.) Hmm… I haven’t shrugged in a while. I’m typically a frequent shrugger…

“Ariana?” I looked at Eathös. He was on his comlink. Talking to his girlfriend. Hehe. (He would've glared at me if I had said that out loud.) “Ariana? Do you read me?” He paused for a response, then, “Oh.” He laughed, “Hahaha! I was just about to tell you that!” Another pause. “Seven languages?!” Pause. “Wow, even in Kofan?” Pause. “Uh-huh.” Pause. “Yeah… That’s what Frandere said.” I could hear a laugh on the other end. Eathös laughed, too, “No no, Junior.” Oh, I'm so glad they got that cleared up. I wish they would stop calling me Junior.

After another minute of banter, Eathös said goodbye. He had a smile. The smile that he only has when he talks to her. I wonder if she ever notices that smile. It was easy to guess what they talked about. I spoke my guess, “They’re already watching it, huh?”

“Well, technically, it hasn’t started yet.” (Obviously. Cheese Eathös, you’re obvious.) “Currently, they’re watching two commentators trying to predict what he’s going to announce in his upcoming speech.”

“That’s fine. I hope they’ll see straight through his cunning smile, though. I hope they'll see his true face…” I said that out loud. Damn.

Eathös responded (oh-so prudently), “You and your daddy issues. You know, you wouldn’t have suggested using your father if you didn’t think he was a good man.”

“He’s not a good man. He’s a good politician. And, besides–”

Noise exploded from the audience. He was now walking onstage. My eardrums suddenly felt like they were going to split open... Like peas. Why is everyone screaming? (Oh, look, his figure has improved. He’s definitely lost a few pounds.) His trademark sly grin came across his face like a fox. Sly, fox... Man, I am so clever.

“Here he is!” The announcer was drowned out by the happy screaming people. “The man who needs no introduction… Sir Frandere Thurion!” The crowd went wild-er. They were going to give themselves hernias. Seriously people, calm down. He's not royalty, either. Why the ridiculously unnecessary title?

When he reached the podium, the overjoyed public fell silent. No, they didn’t “fall silent”. “Fall” implies a sharp “drop” or even "tapering off" in noise level. No, this audience was cut into silence. Like they were muted. (No quick hushes or last-minute hoots and whistles, either.) They were ecstatic and very loud one second, and then in the very same second they were completely, utterly… Dead quiet. It was more than a little strange. I couldn’t even hear a single person breathing. Then:

“People of Gallamora… Of Vachi… Of Quirillia… Of Mactcha…” (He was so incredibly relaxed. I would have immediately trusted him if I hadn’t known better.) “…Vatta leos!” The crowd erupted again. Cheese, people, he just said “Good afternoon!”

They ate everything he said. They hung on every word. As a devout cult would. This was a religion. He didn’t have fans... He had sheep.

Frandere Senior! Too bad you don't actually get to see his speech, or even himself for that matter. Obviously, this is from Frandere's POV (Junior's, that is). I may post the actual speech sometime, but out of context, much of its significance would be lost.

This scene takes place in Part 3 of what will be my first book. It is the first and so far only written instance of Frandere's POV, which will be first introduced earlier in Part 3.

Wednesday, September 1

A Blinding Diamond

How does it fare?
The pang of regret in her eyes
Through long black hair.
A faulty disconnect, she tries

It lingers. Can't I see?
A trigger-finger poised.
It's coming after me
-- A dulcet, grating noise

I do not cower. I shift my weight.
But the light is blinding.
New half-full ideas create
What is contorted, straight and winding

My strict memory serves me incorrectly.
I have nothing else to say.
I was soaring, gliding over the sea.
I'm on the ground today.

The melody changes.
The current dies.
The light rearranges.
And so do I.
