Wednesday, October 27

Future Impact

The Quirillian council could not decide. Just about every faction had a different opinion. Sure, if they had their own way, they'd say "go", but those old days of Quirillian totalitarianism are supposed to be long gone. They have to set a good example here...

Acadians seemed to occupy all the tallest chairs. I wondered if that was due to the high respect they received for being the establishers of Mactcha's unified government, or if that was simply because they're shorter than everyone else. They had no higher authority, though. It must have just been a symbol of respect. Otherwise, the Acadians could overrule the whole project...

Gavan had only four representatives in the room. This system wasn't based on population; most Jovians just hate politics. They were on the side of Quirillia, as they always are...

The Qua had an interesting way of showing themselves. Since there are over 60 tribes on Quaxlar, there were over 60 chieftains present - more than half of the company. They knew that the number of representatives made no difference, but they must have felt that having an overwhelming unification of one opinion would help sway the vote their way. Quaxlar and Aquadex pretty much agreed against the project...

The minor powers, which included Chinoff and Gaffi, as well as other moons, were more or less swing-voters. Combined, they had not the ability to overrule any one of the major powers. But in the instance of a tie, they could make the difference. Unfortunately, they were just as divided as the others...

The oft-unmentioned Mactchan in the room, the lone Myan, was only an observer. Mya no longer had a say in Oican affairs. Their millenia-long isolation was still in effect...

Two Quadarians were present. They had an equal vote in everything, but for the past year have been undecided. They didn't really prefer this style of government, as it was still new to them, and they typically sat out of universal affairs. This time, however, they were very interested in the matter at hand. And with the four other powers so divided, the Quadarian vote mattered most...

The Hilian Emperor could make no official vote, but his opinion was highly respected. He made it clear that his people opposed the project...

Taraxia, on the other hand, as all for the project. Like the Hirah, they could not make a vote, but they had the right to speak...

This year-long debate was history in the making. Enough evidence supported the likelihood of a successful terraformation, but no one could predict the long-term effects the new planet could have on its neighbors. Many believed in Mactcha's ability to adapt. Many others believed it was best not to press their luck. If the project is a go and is successful, it would result in a breakthrough advancement in Gemini technology and practically every field of natural science, Mactcha would have a tenth planet, Quirillia's ugly debris field would be cleared, overpopulation problems would be solved and the need for more industrial and military zones would be satisfied. If the project is declined, the stability of Mactcha and the lives of 19 billion people wouldn't be risked.

I sat in the back row of the balcony in the gargantuan courtroom, out of sight from anyone important. The tension of the impending decision grew tighter each day, as the final ruling was mandated to the end of the week. As this year-long debate was coming to a close, once-calm arguments became inflamed and hidden hostilities reared their ugly-yet-entertaining heads. The Acadians were usually known to keep order; in most other cases they maintained a neutral status. This time, they were far from neutral. Aquadex was passionately unified against anything that could disrupt the harmony of the entire solar system. They found the whole idea selfish and unnecessary. I saw their reasoning. They weren't wrong. No one really was. But for the first time since the unification of Mactcha over 2,000 years ago, Aquadex was going to lose a major argument.

Because Gemini Project Alpha 9 is going to happen. It has to happen. XR Industries, as much as I hate its name, needs to become a prominent weapons manufacturer. And Oiqua needs the military power. Only when a civilization is a threat can it truly be respected by its neighbors. This will balance the Alliance. As centuries pass, the necessary breakthroughs will be made. Earth will eventually be discovered. And it can be saved.

As I sat and observed, I remembered the current date. It was seventy years ago when she passed.

He was absolutely right when he said I would always be alone. How could I ever love anyone else?



  1. Acadian? Like the Scorpion King?

  2. No!

    And they're not French-Canadian either...

  3. Well s'cuse me.. I still visualize The Rock-esque ponytailed aliens. Who speak funny French and/or make gumbo... which would make for interesting concept art.
    Speaking of which, didn't you have an official WD/STU concept artist once upon a time?

  4. I still think Acadian is enough unlike Akkadian...

    But speaking of speaking of which, I did I have a concept artist, but I think she might have moved out of state.

  5. Oh dear... where could she have gone?

  6. Where is the end? It's gone...

  7. Oh, the end? I cut it out because... Well... Because I could. So...

